At emc3 we believe in giving a warm welcome to everyone.

No matter:
Who you are.
Where you’re from.
How you love.
What you think.


We believe there is more that unites us than divides us, and that a diverse and inclusive workforce showcases a  wider perspective, encourages collaboration and enables us to better understand our customer’s needs. 

It’s all of our responsibility to create an environment that supports those differences, promotes individuality and encourages eccentricity.

We’re committed to eliminating unlawful discrimination and ensuring that our commitment is not just lip service, but that our words are followed by action.

After all, we like to work hard, have fun, and get shit done—and we can only do that when there’s an environment where our team feels safe, heard, seen and valued. 

Our policy’s purpose

The purpose of our policy is as follows:

#1: Encourage equality, diversity and inclusion in the workplace

Whether you’re a full-time employee, a freelancer, or somebody who just stopped by to

 say hello, you’ll be treated with respect and equality.

Promoting a culture of equality isn’t just a moral obligation, or a legal one – it also makes business sense, and different perspectives and experiences are what makes this world of ours such an interesting place to be.

#2: Not discriminate

We are committed to eliminating any form of discrimination based on any of the following characteristics in line with the UK Equality Act 2010. 

We also recognise there are many ways in which these areas intersect, and are mindful of these throughout our work.

  • Age
  • Disability
  • Gender reassignment
  • Marriage/civil partnership
  • Pregnancy/maternity/paternity
  • Race (including colour, nationality, ethnic and national origin)
  • Religion/belief
  • Gender
  • Sexual orientation

With this in mind, we oppose any and all forms of unlawful discrimination including (but not limited to) pay and benefits, terms and conditions of employment, grievances and discipline, dismissal, redundancy, parental leave, requests for flexible working or selection for opportunities, whether employment, developmental or otherwise.

#3: Create an environment people are proud to work in

An advert in the UK once said “You don’t hate your job, you hate Mondays.” and we agree with the sentiment. We want our employees to love Mondays. And Tuesdays. And, well, every other day to be honest.

We continually offer training and development opportunities for our teams, including around diversity, equality and inclusion, helping raise awareness, expand their knowledge and develop and share new skills.

We take all matters seriously, but even more so when it comes to complaints in the workplace. Bullying, harassment, victimisation and unlawful discrimination,—whether by employees, freelancers, customers, suppliers or anyone else involved in our work activities—will never be tolerated, and any such act will be dealt with as misconduct under our grievance and disciplinary procedures with appropriate action being taken. 

#4: Continually strive to learn, evolve and do better

For this policy to be successful, we commit to regularly assessing how the equality, diversity and inclusion policy including the make-up of our workforce and any supporting action plans are working in practice. 

Further, we will regularly review this policy, updating employment practices and procedures when necessary, taking into account any changes in the law, and considering and taking action to address any issues.